Devote time and talent where we live and work

Bettering Our Communities.

The core values instilled at Rich Products Corporation extend well beyond the workplace walls – Rich’s Associates across the globe are committed to enrich and provide support by connecting, collaborating, and contributing to organisations, individuals and causes in supporting the Better Our Communities initiative.

Rich’s Africa is proud to live and support the spirit of ‘be global act local’. It’s within the Rich’s Promise to Better Our Communities and bring associate time and talent to an array of social, education and civic organizational needs.

Explore our commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

Abraham Kriel Bambanani focuses on providing shelter, care and rehabilitation for children, who have been subjected to trauma, abuse, molestation, poverty and neglect. Rich’s supports Abraham Kriel Bambanani daily with a host of freshly baked products in an effort to enhance and uplift the community. We are committed to help and make a difference to these young lives by supporting Abraham Kriel Bambanani.

Meals on Wheels
Rich’s Africa provides on-going support and generous donations to Meals on Wheels – a non-profit community organization that provides cooked meals to the poor and the elderly. Meals on Wheels is a multifaceted welfare community organisation that we are proud to partner with and support.

Oliver’s House
Located in Benoni, Oliver’s House is a sustainable village that offers numerous social services and educational programmes to the local community. As part of our Better Our Communities initiative, Rich’s has committed to support Oliver’s House by hosting regular Cake Carnivals that will bring joy to hundreds of children at each event.