SKU CODE 07742

A quality, ready-to-use, lemon flavoured icing that is light yellow in colour. Ideal for dipping, icing or drizzling on baked goods. This icing has a superior glossy coating that hardens slightly when dry and is delightfully smooth, soft and irresistible.

  • placeholder
  • Shelf Life Storage
    3 Days Refrigerated
    3 Months Ambient
    7 Months Refrigerated or Ambient

  • Ready to use and loved by operators for its ease of use and ultimate convenience – available in either 5 kg or 10 kg sealable pails. Simply open, stir and dip, ice or pour!
  • Satisfy consumer cravings and introduce a new flavour experience throughout the bakery. Use an assortment of Rich’s® Bakery Finishes beyond donuts and across the bakery in cakes, desserts or creating unique flavourings in crèmes or string-ice over pastries – the possibilities are endless!
  • Consumer-loved and specifically formulated to have the perfect sweetness, mouthfeel and glossy coating that is delightfully smooth, soft and irresistible. Loved by operators for its dry to the touch setting, anti-crack technology and flexible texture that is great for dipping, icing or pouring.

  • Store at ambient (20 – 25 °C). Can be stored refrigerated at (1 – 4 °C). DO NOT FREEZE.
  • Open the pail.
  • Using a large spoon, agitate the icing from the bottom of the pail to the top and mix well.
  • Decant the required amount of dipping icing into a sealable, airtight container.
  • Either dip the donut, allowing excess icing to drip off, or spread the icing onto a donut using a small pallet knife to smooth the surface and edges.
  • Decorate the top of the donut as required.
  • Allow icing to set before merchandising.
  • Open the pail.
  • Using a large spoon, agitate the icing from the bottom of the pail to the top and mix well.
  • Decant the required amount of dipping icing into a clean, heat proof bowl.
  • Heat dipping icing to between 35°-55°C. Do not over heat or exceed 55°C.
  • Dip the donut, allowing excess icing to drip off.
  • Decorate the top of the donut as required.
  • Allow icing to set before merchandising.
  • Place donuts into sealable packaging for merchandising. Pro Tip: Average Dipping Icing and Filling Portion = 20-25g