With WhatsApp being the most popular messaging app in the world and with 103.5 million mobile phone connections in South Africa, digital mobile strategies have never been more important. In our pursuit to deliver value to our customers, we are extremely proud that our WhatsApp Chatbot, an industry first, was recognised and shortlisted for an MMA (Mobile Marketing Award) in the EMEA and South African Smarties Awards 2020 in the following categories:
- EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) Smarties Awards Category Shortlist: Customer Experience
- South African Smarties Awards Category Shortlist: Business Unusual – Technology Innovation
We are pleased to announce that on 15 December, at the virtual awards ceremony we won a Bronze Smarties Award in the EMEA Business Unusual Customer Experience category — the most competitive category in the Business Unusual segment! The silver award was awarded to Procter and Gamble and the gold award was won by KFC.
The full list of all Smarties Award winners can be found here: https://www.mmaglobal.com/smarties-2020/finalists/winners/region:3
A Smarties Award is the highest achievement across the globe demonstrating an outward sign of mobile marketing expertise and awarding outstanding innovation resulting in significant business impact. “To win a Smarties Award is an outward sign of mobile marketing expertise, mastery of the medium and the ability to drive results. Winners demonstrate power over the medium – effectively weaving together a great idea, compelling creative and air-tight execution – to deliver significant business results,” explains Luisa Mazinter, MMA Chair Emeritus and Judge Chair for the Smarties 2020 Awards.
We are extremely proud of this achievement as it speaks directly to the Rich Experience in our pursuit to deliver value to our customers.
The MMA is the only marketing trade association that brings together the full ecosystem of marketers, Martech and media companies working collaboratively to architect the future of marketing, while relentlessly delivering growth today. Led by CMO’s, the MMA helps marketers lead the imperative for marketing change – in ways that enable future breakthroughs while optimising current activities. By enlightening, empowering and enabling marketers, the MMA shapes future success, while also propelling business growth.
To read more about the MMA Smarties Awards click here: https://www.mmaglobal.com/smarties/awards/programs/emea
To learn more about the Rich’s® Africa WhatsApp Chatbot click here: https://www.richs.co.za/richs-africa-is-on-whatsapp/
To start the conversation on WhatsApp click here:https://wa.me/27860074247?text=Hello%20Rich%27s%20Africa!%20
References: Hootsuite Digital Year Book 2020 https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2020-south-africa